Digital Content

SEO Digital Content must to Your Marketing Campaign

Q-1.    What is digital content?

Answer:        It is a form of online writing which is used on the web. This means creating content in the form of text, visual, video or audio, to appear on the web. It may be for the purpose of information, entertainment, marketing or engagement.

Q-2.     What is an SEO content writer?

Answer:        SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization or the process of optimizing the website to be searched by the people and be visible when people are searching on the web. Any content writer who has the skill and knowledge of SEO to incorporate the content in a way that it is likable by the search engines using white hat best practices, for the better visibility and ranking of the website.

Q-3.    How can I start content writing?

Answer:        There is a process involved, follow the process and you can start writing the content. The process is:-

  1. Define your big idea and select your passionate topic.
  2. Architect the structure to present your big idea.
  3. Carry out the research and make the outline.
  4. Select the platform to deliver it.
  5. Edit, refine and publish.

Q-4.    What is the difference between content writing and content strategy?

Answer:        Content strategy refers to planning, development, and management of content in any form. It is your “why”.

While content writing is creating useful and meaningful content for the consumption of an audience.

Q-5.    What is the difference between content writing and copywriting?

Answer:        The difference lies in the purpose of writing the content. Content writing is to deliver the information in such a meaningful way so as to inform, entertain or engage the audience. While the purpose of copywriting is for promoting advertisement or marketing or selling the products or services. i.e. Writing Broacher, websites, billboards, catalogs and many more.

Q-6.    What is the job of a content writer?

Answer:        Content writer produces a wide variety of content for the web. It may be articles, Blogs, web-pages, aggregation of news, curation, e-commerce, writing for social networks or any content to appear on the web. The content writer uses various tools and content measurement systems to create content. Most of the content writers are self-employed and work as a freelance.

Q-7.  What is digital content writing?

Answer:        Digital content writing is the process of planning, creating, publishing and promoting digital content of all forms. Digital content writing demands a number of diverse skills to produce meaningful, relevant, persuasive, useful and engaging content. It will be optimized by the search engines to make the website visible and rank appropriately. It should be compatible with different channels and with the latest technology.

Q-8.    What is good content?

Answer:        A clearly expressed content is great content if it is free from misspelling, free from grammatical mistakes and source of usefulness. If you fell “content” It means you’re satisfied and happy, it’s a feeling. Similarly, if your content is making someone feel happy and pleased with a satisfied feeling, the content is great.

Q-9.    What to look for good quality content on a website?


  1. Use of short paragraphs, a maximum of four sentences.
  2. Using short sentences is easy to comprehend.
  3. Shorter the text better it is.
  4. No use of unnecessary words.
  5. No use of jargon and gobbledygook.
  6. Use active sentences.
  7. Avoid stuffing the content with keywords and repetitions. Make use of synonyms.
  8. Address the audience directly by using the word “you”.

Q-10. What is content measurement?

Answers:       Measuring content reach and effectiveness is the key to quantifying marketing success. For that, there are content metrics those to be measured with the help of content marketing measurement tools.

Q-11. What are content performing metrics?

Answers:       These are some of the basic metrics to start with, and answer to your most fundamental questions, and to have an overview of how your strategy is performing:-

        a.  Consumption Metrics: These will give you the insight to measure content effectiveness and consumption of content by your audience.

  • Users
  • Page views.
  • Unique page views.
  • Email clicks only
  • Email open rate.
  • Locations.
  • Source/Medium.
  • Platform.

    b.  Engaging Metrics: How your audience is interacting with your content and what attention they have paid to your content. Engagement metrics will give you a sense of loyalty and relationship with your audience.

  • Average time on page.
  • Pages visited.
  • Sessions
  • New vs returning visitors.
  • Referral traffic.
  • Social media shares.
  • Comments
  • Follower interaction.
  • Email subscribers growth/Opt-ins.
  • Unsubscribes/Op-outs.
  • Forwards

        c.  Conversion Metrics. End of the day all organizations top goal is sales, lead generation and lead nurturing. Metrics are:-

  • Goal achieved.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Sales transactions.
  • Time to complete a purchase.
  • Lead capture forms.
  • Email, Blogs, Newsletters, and subscriptions.
  • Conversion from social media.

          d.  Do consider these metrics as well:-

  • Measurement of visibility.
  • Measurement of reputation.
  • Measurement of reach of the website.
  • Social shares.
  • No of audiences reached.
  • Links authority.
  • Domain authority of the links obtained.
  • Ranking